Business Development

The Town of Bashaw’s Building, Planning, and Development Services are responsible for coordinating land use to ensure that growth and development occurs in an organized and rational manner while maintaining and enhancing the existing constructed and natural environments which contribute to a high quality of life in our community. This is accomplished through long-range plans (Municipal Development Plan, Area Structure Plans, etc.) and the Land Use Bylaw, Policies, Procedures, and Regulations.

The Town of Bashaw Quality Management Plan (QMP) outlines the terms and conditions that the town has agreed to meet when administering the Safety Codes Act in Building, Electrical, Gas and Plumbing disciplines.

You can view the Accreditations and the QMP in their entirety using the link below.

Town Documents

Other Bylaws

Permits & Applications

Upon completion, you must present the original Development Permit Application and/or Demolition Permit Application documents to the Town office along with applicable fees.


Permit Information


Development Permit

A development permit is required to construct a new building, alter an existing building, construct an accessory building, demolish an existing building, or change the use of a building or portion of a building within the Town of Bashaw, except where expressly exempted in Part 3, (3.2) of #780-2018 Land Use Bylaw. A development permit is also required for signs and fences.

Supporting plans, documentation and a recent title must accompany a development permit application.

Anyone can make an application, whether or not you own the property, provided you have a letter of authorization from the current property owner.

Additional permits for building, electrical, plumbing, gas, and heating may also be required for most home renovations and constructions. It is always best to contact the Town of Bashaw Development Officer before starting work to make sure that you have your permits in order. If work is done without a valid Building Permit, the Town will place a Stop Work Order on the premise and may levy fines or cause the work to be dismantled at the owner’s expense.

Once approval is granted for your development permit, building permits are available through The Inspections Group Ltd.


Building Permit

The Town can advise or direct a Developer to a Safety Codes Officer on whether or not a project requires a Building Permit, which is facilitated by the Inspections Group within the Town of Bashaw.

A Building Permit addresses legislation under the Alberta Building Code with regards to construction, materials, etc., and provides inspection services to ensure the development complies with the Legislation.


Development Permit Process

A Development Permit is required prior to a Building Permit application. This applies to:

Any renovations that are being done that would cost more than $5,000, any structure that exceeds 110 square feet demolition of a structure moving in any structure (i.e. a mobile or Ready-to-Move (RTM) home) a deck with a height of 2 feet or greater above grade other construction proposals may also require a Development Permit – please contact the Town for verification.

Development Permit Fees are as follows:

  • Residential/Institutional: $95.00
  • Commercial/Industrial: $95.00
  • Fences, Decks, Renovations, Additions, Small Structures: $95.00
  • Discretionary Permit: Add +$50.00
  • Demolition Permit: $60.00

A Development Permit requires the following information:

  • A site plan: a drawing which includes the layout of the development, with measurements showing the side/front and back yard setbacks from the property lines
  • All legal information – i.e. Legal Address, ownership of property, and zoning
  • Authorization from the Owner if the applicant is not the owner of the property
  • Contractor name and estimated cost of development
  • Description of the proposed development

The Development Permit must be signed by the CAO or a Designated Officer prior to the application of any of the required Disciplines’ Permits (Building, Electrical, Plumbing Permits, etc.)

CAO Theresa Fuller
Phone: 780-372-3911
Fax: 780-372-2335

Please Note: Development Permits require payment in full prior to application processing and approval.

Please Note: it is the policy of the Town of Bashaw that all Town utility services (water and sewer) must be located and installed for new construction, at the time of the digging of a basement.

Please Note: it is the Owner’s responsibility to locate the survey pins on their lots. 


Building & Other Disciplines’ Permit Processes

Once the Development Permit has been approved, the Owner should submit a copy of the Permit to the Inspections Group in conjunction with an application for the appropriate discipline(s’) permit(s).

The Town of Bashaw contracts permitting services to the Inspections Group for the Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Natural Gas and Private Sewage disciplines. The Inspections Group requires a copy of the approved Development Permit prior to issuing any Permits.

The Inspections Group may be contacted at the above link for more information on their permit application processes or call: 1-866-554-5048

Always remember to think about safety first, as you start your project:


If you are building a new house:

Since December 1, 2017, new homes constructed in Alberta must be built by a licensed builder.  Builders constructing their own home can apply for an Owner Builder Authorization. The Builder Registry is an online source of information to search Alberta’s licensed residential builders.

Builder licensing is intended to reduce the risks prospective homeowners face by establishing a licensing system, providing consumers with information on builders, and creating provisions to remove or suspend builders when necessary to protect homeowners from negligent or unscrupulous businesses.

Builder licensing applies to anyone constructing new homes, including condominiums and large multi-family homes, as well as renovations when a residential construction project requires new home warranty coverage.


If you are buying a house:

Warranty coverage is required for every new home constructed in Alberta after February 1, 2014. The Property Registry allows homeowners, builders, real estate professionals, and financial institutions to search for:

  • Warranty status of a property
  • Information about which warranty provider is backing the property
  • The commencement date of warranty coverage

Was the home built by a licensed builder? The Builder Registry allows homeowners, builders, real estate professionals and financial institutions to search for:

  • Builder’s license status
  • Where the builder has built homes
  • The number of previous home warranty registrations
  • If the builder has any orders or administrative penalties issued under the new Home Buyer Protection Act and related Regulations.

An informational website on  Residential Warranties:   Alberta Government


Assessment Review Process

The assessment process establishes the value of a property in relation to other similar properties. The purpose of property assessment is to distribute property tax fairly among property owners in a municipality.

Upon receipt of the annual combined property assessment/tax form, it is important to review the property information to make sure the description of the property is accurate.

If the property information is not correct, contact the Municipality’s Assessor, whose name and contact number are recorded on the back of the notice. Discuss any problems that might affect the property’s value and find out if these problems were taken into account when the assessment was prepared. (The Assessor can re-inspect the property and correct the information if necessary.)

If the property owner and the Assessor do not reach an agreed-upon valuation, the property owner has recourse, utilizing the Assessment Complaints Process to pursue further amendments.

The Town of Bashaw participates in a Regional Assessment Review Board that is legislated under the Town of Bashaw Assessment Review Board Bylaw.